Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 19: Beginner Class- everyone's still in quarantine

Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 2:00:00 PM Level One Game Shop 400 Grand Blvd #420, Kansas City, MO

I am learning to DM. So far, I am not a very good storyteller. I am learning to convey relevant details given by the adventure module. As I get better, I will wander into homebrew adventures.

Right now, I have 4 regular players, and I consider that to be perfect. When new people wander in, the regular players sit for an hour waiting for them to create a character, which isn't fair.

New players need to show up at 1:00 to nail down details of their character, so that we can start at 2:00, or I'm going to start handing people pregenerated characters.

In order to find a group for yourself, go to the individual facebook pages of the gaming shops around town. That is an effective way of joining a table that needs players. Look for their extra pages called LFG (Looking for group) or RPG (Role Playing Game). Meetup is kind of a fluid hub of info, made up of players, but we are busy and our membership is ever changing. This may not be the only place that you need to go in order to connect with other players.

Downtown: Level One Gameshop and Pawn & Pint
Lee's Summit: Pulp Fiction Comics
Independence: Game Cafe
Overland Park: Tabletop Games

I don't know if Liberty or Lawrence have a shop. If they do, I have not been there personally, and can't vouch for their D&D supplies.

There are enough random people seeing this for me to want to throw out advice or discussion topics in this space.

So this week's advice- 5 types of communicators

Assertive- goes into a situation knowing that they might get told "no" but still states what they want and is willing to accept "no" when it comes.
This is the ideal way of dealing with life and other people.

Passive- is almost afraid to ask for what they want, completely believing that a "no" would end their world. Chooses to stay unhappy/unfulfilled.

Passive-aggressive- wants to put up the illusion that a "no" would be fine, asks for what they want, pretends they're okay with the reception of a "no", tells the whole town about their unhappiness.

Aggressive- assumes a "no" is coming, is looking for a fight.

Manipulative- frames the asking in order to prevent a "no" from happening. This person is the worst, because they put you in gaslighting situations where it isn't okay to get frustrated with their behavior.

I can see these types in the players around me and it ends up making our interactions a mix of immature behavior and unethical butt kissing of the DMs ego. I know that a lot of us are socially awkward, but maybe it's because we lack self awareness.

If you are still reading this long post, inexperienced players-

-5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons
-I prefer meaningful story to mindless combat
-I would like to explore what it means to develop a character
-Bring a sensible amount of maturity and consideration for teammates
-Have a pencil, dice, a race and a class selected for your character

Races-Halfling, Elf, Dwarf, Human, Tielfing, Dragonborn, Half Elf, Half Orc
Classes- Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock

If you want to learn more about the D&D universe, there are several console and PC games available. I play Neverwinter. This will give you visuals of the classic places and races of the worlds.

I recommend looking up the novels, either online (ebooks) or through the library (hardcover). This will give you more in depth knowledge on the cultures and typical personalities of the races.

I know this is rude AF but honestly please, if you are not new to D&D, if you learned everything there is to know about d&d through podcasts, if you played earlier editions and just want someone to teach you 5th Edition, this class isn't for you. I am trying to teach people that genuinely do not understand how all of this works, and need to have the etiquette and the story building and the mechanics and the technicalities explained. There are hundreds of youtube videos that will explain 5th edition, it has been out since 2014.

River Market is under construction. You will need to park on the east side of the shop. Or, if you don't mind walking, on the far west side of the market. Click here for event

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