Saturday, June 29, 2019

July 4: Crimson. 5e Homebrew Campaign

Thursday, July 4, 2019 at 6:00:00 PM Level One Gameshop 400 Grand Blvd #420, Kansas City, mo


Welcome to Crimson:

Crimson is a post-apocalyptic D&D setting I have created for 5e. It will have some similar elements to Dark Sun, but it will not specifically play off of DS and all the mechanics and intangibles of DS. There is magic in the world, but it is not fairly common outside of the 3 cities and some of the more known encampments.

The world was once lavish with color, various greens throughout the fields and rolling hills in the backdrop, a blue sky that resembled an ocean with the occasional waves of clouds. The sun, a beacon of light and source of climate stability above. The very things many take for granted were always there and never consistently thought of. Farms flourished, animals plump with meat, fruits ripe for the picking and an abundance of fresh water and fish for humans, humanoids and all animals and beasts alike to eat until their hearts and stomachs were content.

Skirmishes were common throughout the lands as many others would feel throughout history. The Dwarves and their gadgets pushing the evolution of their time in comparison to the elves who seemed more primitive and regarded nature as a sentient being...a God if you will. Humanoids were in many shapes and sizes and in most instances stayed tucked away in their own nooks of the world. Defend when threatened, attack when greedy, align when needed.

The kingdom was controlled by the Berkhardt family. King Berkhardt, a widower who never remarried after his beloved passed away while giving birth to their son Prince Berkhardt. It has been rumored that he sucked the life force out of her and the 3 mid-wives who tried to help raise him from the milk of their breasts. 4 women deceased, 1 child alive. He was always a pleasant Prince. Gave to the people selflessly, always supported his father the King and went into numerous battles for the kingdom. The rumors were just fables created to craft a lore of fear and respect as many nobles have.

What seems to be a typical world became all but that. A rumble that resembled the hooves of all horses in the nation battering the ground echoed throughout the world. The soil beneath the feet almost boiled, popping and cracking in anger. Lakes and rivers turned to a gaseous steam, creating a sauna of heat that killed livestock, humans and humanoids effortlessly with pause or reservations to any of its victims. Bursts of crimson colors illuminated the sky. Lava geysers bursting creating molten rivers of slow rolling fire and ember trails. Meteoric rocks battered the lands, crushing civilizations, turning once notable trade centers to ruins. Greens turned to reddish brown wastelands, life turned to decay, the scorch became constant. The deafening screams of anything living faded, the silence thereafter was even louder as it carved out madness in the minds of rest who existed. The surface covered in soot, bodies that were once whole were heaped into a pile of ash as anyone and everyone who could burrowed underground, grasping and clinging to life support.

Is this the age of extinction upon them?

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